Caralluma Burn Review: Effective Appetite Suppressant Or Hoax?

Caralluma Burn is a popular diet pill with an advanced formula which is particularly designed to suppress your appetite and reduce your craving for food.

Caralluma has been used by Indian tribes traditionally to diminish hunger during hunting trips. This is similar to the San tribesman of the Kalahari who use Hoodia Gordonii to suppress their hunger when they are on a hunting expedition.

The diet pill promises to be a safe, side-effect free and alternative to Hoodia to suppress your appetite. But the question remains: Will Caralluma Burn help you lose weight?

Caralluma Burn Ingredients

Similar to Hoodia Gordonii, Caralluma Burn’s main ingredient is a potent extract of the Indian herb Caralluma fimbriata from a wild prickly succulent.

Caralluma Burn contains no stimulants and is also caffeine free.

How does Caralluma Burn Help you Lose Weight?

The main ingredient Caralluma fimbriata is said to prevent the internal activity of several enzymes that block fat formation, making fat reserves to be burned as and when necessary.

The manufacturers claim that when used in tandem with a reduced calorie diet and regular exercise, Caralluma Burn it seems has all the potential to help you lose weight. But whilst Caralluma Burn has undergone clinical studies, these are based on ensuring that Caralluma is safe to consume at the recommended doses. So this means it is almost unlikely that you would suffer any adverse side-effects when you consume Caralluma Burn. It is said that one pill before the largest meal of the day is good enough to make you lose weight substantially.

So which one seems to be more effective –Caralluma Burn or Hoodia Gordonii?

Hoodia gordonii based diet pills have been used more widely as an appetite suppressant, and moreover, Caralluma Burn is a relatively new product. Whilst Caralluma Burn is definitely a good challenger to Hoodia diet supplements, there is far more available data supporting the use of Hoodia Gordonii in suppressing your appetite. So our recommendation is that you should go for a Hoodia product like UniqueHoodia which is a time-tested diet supplement.

Alternative Appetite Suppressant

UniqueHoodia is a natural appetite suppressant based on Hoodia and it has been quite well-received in weight loss circles as a diet supplement that works. Little wonder that people all over the world have used it successfully and still recommend it as one of the safest diet pills around.

Click here to learn more about UniqueHoodia and how it works to help you lose weight!